I could not figure out how to add tags or anything to my captured exceptions for Android, which led them to be rather bland/unhelpful when trying to pin down what was causing a bug on the Android camera (notorious for being inconsistent across manufacturers, devices, Android versions, etc.)
I ended up doing the following, which hopefully helps others!
import com.getsentry.raven.android.Raven;
import com.getsentry.raven.event.EventBuilder;
import com.getsentry.raven.event.helper.EventBuilderHelper
try {
Field f = Raven.class.getDeclaredField("raven");
com.getsentry.raven.Raven raven = (com.getsentry.raven.Raven) f.get(Raven.class);
final ConnectivityManager connManager = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
final NetworkInfo mWifi = connManager.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI);
final PackageInfo pInfo = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0);;
raven.addBuilderHelper(new EventBuilderHelper() {
public void helpBuildingEvent(EventBuilder eventBuilder) {
eventBuilder.withTag("wifi", String.valueOf(mWifi.isConnected()));
eventBuilder.withTag("app_version", pInfo.versionName);
eventBuilder.withTag("build_version", Build.VERSION.RELEASE);
eventBuilder.withTag("build_manufacturer", Build.MANUFACTURER);
eventBuilder.withTag("build_brand", Build.BRAND);
eventBuilder.withTag("build_device", Build.DEVICE);
eventBuilder.withTag("build_product", Build.PRODUCT);
eventBuilder.withTag("debug_app", BuildConfig.DEBUG ? "true" : "false");
eventBuilder.withTag("build_brand", Build.BRAND);
} catch (Exception e) {
Obviously you can see the pattern here to add tags using the eventBuilder. I have no idea why this was omitted in the Android version of Raven, but reflection saves the day per usual.